We empower your sales team to find their motivation with training programmes that are inspirational and fun.
To promote the importance of teamwork and the understanding of others to work together contributing back to the organisation in a positive and purposeful way. We lift the level of performance through individual coaching and self discovery. They achieve knowledge and skills enhancement.
We unlock their true potential to deliver great results.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Best Performing Sales People are Seen as the Experts their Field

Be the Expert in Your field...
The best performing sales people are seen as the experts in their field. They know to become the expert they must educate themselves, be professional at all times, act in the customers best interest and have high ethical standards.

The expert would come in, look at the situation, evaluate the needs of the client and then he would recommend the best possible course of action.

The expert would never think of recommending a course of action without all the facts. This is as applicable to ant type of selling from fridges to ready to wear fashion.

Step One
The first step Look at the overall big picture  you ask excellent questions, carefully prepared, in sequence, which are geared to give you a thorough knowledge of the  customer's needs and wants. This also gives you an opportunity to understand the customers buying behaviour.

Step Two
The second step is to now do an analysis of the information they have given you. Repeat back the results of your analysis and double check to be sure that the information you gathered was correct. You would ask additional questions to confirm and calibrate the customer. You and the customer would mutually agree that this results of the analysis and it seems to be an accurate description of the needs and wants of the customer and how they see the outcome.

Step Three
Once mutual agreement has been reached, that the analysis is correct and by this stage the customer should be comfortable with you. You can move on to step three and match the product to the customer, which will best suit their needs and achieve the outcome they require. You show that, what you are suggesting is the best of all possible solutions.
Experts who sell in the way of more as a consultation find that their sales closure is higher and get better results in less time.

Action Steps
Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.

First, take the time to do a thorough analysis by asking excellent questions and by listening carefully to the answers.

Second, repeat back and check your analysis with the customer so that you both agree on the results of your analysis- before you recommend a solution.

Here’s to your sales success


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

"Walk a Mile in my Shoes"

When I sold something or complaining about a product that isn’t working for me I want to feel like the salesperson cares about me. My likes and dislikes, for that matter anything that will make my experience special. I really find it tedious listening to a sales person who’s just going through the motions. More frustrating is the stance and facial expression that says “Well what do you want me to do”?

When the customer comes back to complain about a product or they are not happy with the service they had received is when the salesperson needs to get into action and give the best presentation possible. They must go out of their way to give the client a solution that will satisfy them and get them to purchase again. WOW the customer!!!

I was on holidays with my daughter in Sydney staying in a 4 ½ star hotel in the city. We had a beautiful room on the 25th floor. She wanted to make me a coffee as we had our own espresso machine in our room. How cool we thought until a huge cockroach came flying out the machine. Well did we scream? There was no way we were going to stay in that room that night. I phoned reception demanding another room. By the way this was at 9.30pm at night. Well, I got a very apathetic person at reception who found us to be an inconvenience. They did change our room after one hour.

Did they WOW us NO!!! Would I stay there again or recommend this hotel NO!!!

If they had just put themselves in our shoes and asked the question how would I feel in this situation? They would have come up with a solution that not only WOWED me but had me coming back again as guest and telling my friends.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Perfection is the Poison of Profitability

'Perfection is the Poison of Profitability' Jay Abraham

This is a phrase I have heard previously and resonates with me. I meet and chat to many sales people who don’t actually get enough time out there making money because they want for the conditions to be perfect.

The most successful sales people do not wait for perfection they get it out there and find the customers and make the sales.

They don't obsess about doing everything 100% right or the exact right time. They just talk to more customers each day and get more referrals.

In the same time it takes for other sales people to make one call, they have:
  • They have made their first call out to see a client by 9.15am
  • They have planned out their day and who they will visit
  • Have a list of potential clients to call
  • Sent out potential correspondence to clients
  • experimented with a new sales script
  • Know their conversion, budgets and exactly how much they need to achieve and how they will do it.
You get the idea...

They also understand the importance of building and maintaining relationships, the power of leverage to get all this done.

This is why 20% of the top sales people make 80 % of the sales.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

CHANGE: Why Is It So Hard?

We have just moved into an apartment in the Docklands, I must admit not my first choice of area to live at. After 6 months of looking, we knew we needed to take the plunge and this fitted most of the criteria.

People’s reaction has been mixed. Comments range from why you would leave such a beautiful newly renovated home to move to an apartment; to I wish I could do that and then proceed to give every reason as to why they couldn’t. Even the taxi driver thought I was crazy and I would regret it. Many people admire our courage to do something different and make changes in our life.

Life is about making changes and having the courage to try something different. The great thing is you may not like it or it may not work, then you do something different. This is no different in sales, you may have done things the same way in the past if that worked that’s great but more importantly are you reaching your full potential. Could you be making more sales and earning more commission by making some changes and learning some new techniques.

Fear of the unknown is common as is the fear of failure. It’s okay not to be perfect and to make mistakes, learn from them and move on. It’s better to have taken the leap forward and made the mistake rather than to sit on the fence or choose to do nothing!

Let me know what changes you made this week?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Right Connection Lead to Sales Success

In sales it’s about connection. You’re probably wondering how to build the right connections necessary to build a successful business?

You are at work 24/7! It makes no difference whether you’re at a party, football game or even a school event with your kids, there is always a chance to start to building relationships with others. Make networking and  building relationships part of your daily life.

Networking is not about being in the room to get clients, make a sale or gets lots of cards and speak to as many people as possible about yourself. It’s about the opportunity to meet people and learn about them and how you can give to them and make yourself available without expecting any reciprocity.

The greatest gift that you can give to someone is the gift of listening. Why? You care about them. Use that time to find out about them everything. What their business is, what their greatest issue currently that keeps them awake, where they see their business. If they mention children, favourite holiday destinations, favourite food, write it down. When you phone them or meet with them you may have an opportunity to use it in conversion. Find ways to help them, let them know about a great article or send them a great book that might help them with their business or even it could be something they were interested in.

When networking, not only listen but ask valuable questions. Be cognizant of the art of conversation as well  looking at them when they are talking to you. “Your success is directly proportional to the size of your social circle, be it at work or at play.”-Joe Sweeney.

Once you leave the event write notes on either card small piece of paper etc. Then transfer it to either an excel spreadsheet or a small card with all their details, any likes, dislikes, education, associations, children ages, names, schools, favourite wine, food and restaurant. Write any information you are given so you can always use it as an ice breaker next time you speak with them. Always remember people buy from you because they like you trust you and think they are like you!

Use social media, Linked in, Face book etc. to further enhance the relationship. There are so many ways to get connected the secret is to start getting connected now!!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

It’s fun to go fishing regularly....

Recently I was exposed again to Fish, that fantastic story at the Pyke fish market. This book/video always makes me smile. The underlying theme is............ FUN!

Sometimes, we take ourselves too seriously. We have unachievable deadlines to meet, pressure to succumb too , bosses to keep happy. So why not see things a little differently? Come from a different place a place of having FUN and getting work done. No, you don’t have to throw fish around to have fun. Find other ways to have fun in your work. Some examples that I’ve experienced that make work fun are simple, put on some music and start dancing (from experience let me tell you it gets those endorphins up and running), celebrate a success have an impromptu morning/ afternoon tea. I would sometimes go past a beautiful bakery in Toorak and buy my staff custard donuts and we would have them for morning tea. Wow! Did that make their day? Of course it did!!

We must remember, it’s the little things that make a difference. You could even have a crazy hat day or put family photos on the wall or guess who it is in the baby photo. These things don’t cost money but, they create a sense of community and fun. Contrary to what you might think “Work Made Fun Get’s Work Done”.,
Let’s look at the FISH strategies

1. Choose your attitude

2. Play

3. Make their day

4. Be present

Such a simple set of strategies to work with. So why do we get so caught up in ourselves and our deadlines?

Let’s start with:

“Choose your attitude” - only you can choose the way you feel. Nobody can make you feel anyway unless you choose it, not your boss, not your wife & children or the man who cut you off on the road. These things will all happen, remember life is a journey and there are bumps in the road, detours or pot holes. Look at ways to change the meaning you put on it so your boss has bought a deadline forward you can whinge, moan, groan and bitch about he always does this.....blah, blah, blah or you can find a way to fit it in to your day, delegate it or outsource it. Have the behavioral flexibility to know that everything is achievable you just need to find a way.

“Play” - find ways to play at work, make it fun, laugh, take yourself lightly.

“Make their day” - there are so many little ways to make their day, buy a coffee, chocolate or even just write a card noticing their great work. Remember good work that get’s noticed gets replicated. Everyone wants to be made to feel special and important in some way. 

“Be present” - be fully present at work for your customers and colleagues it doesn’t matter what is happening in your personal life. Use work as an outlet to have fun, your problems will still be there when you get home if that’s what you choose. Remember we all have choices in life take the scenic route.

Have another look at the “FISH” book by Stephen C. Lundin, PH.D,Harry Paul and John Christensen sometimes we just need to revisit a concept to refocus ourselves. Find 10 ways to play in your work place and let me know how it went.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Is Discipline a Dirty Word?

My buzz word for 2011 is Discipline, and towards the middle of the year I have added Focus. I realized towards the end of last year that I needed to make some changes. I was working on a few projects and spreading myself thin. I needed to learn the word NO and to walk away from situations that were no longer fruitful.

I really needed to take a good long hard at myself. I am one of those people who get all excited about what I can achieve and then achieve nothing. I get caught up doing something else, the other new shiny thing. (Is that just me or does that happen to you as well?). I am the best at giving others trusty advise, like focus on one thing, get the system and make it a success and then replicate it. FOCUS!!! your time. Meditate, exercise and eat well and most importantly drink lots of water and don’t forget to breath. Blah, blah, blah.

I love the concept of doing the things I should be doing, but, it’s that D word, Discipline that gets me every time. It’s the middle of the year and even though I have achieved many of my goals, I still can’t say no to chocolate cake, so those hours at the gym may be a little wasted. Those extra kilos are still there!

Well I am happy to say that it’s July 1, 2011! I am focusing on being disciplined, I am turning the corner. I have focus. I am now waking at 6pm, drinking my bottle of water and meditating for an hour. (I always woke at 6pm but just stayed in bed and snoozed). I am working in 90 minute segments and then I will either rest, eat, do breathing exercises or go to the gym. (That chocolate cake still gets me; I’ll have to work on that one!)

Last night I did lose focus by watching a DVD, you can’t blame me I was curious. The movie “He’s just not that into you” I had always wanted to see it.

This morning I started off with my regime of meditation, the usual house stuff and now I am doing my 90 minute slot before I go into “Consider This Training” to learn how to use our new POS machines (these will be used for Cert II Retail Training).

So I am well on my way to living the” D” word and putting it into action. 
Here are some tips:

1. Know your outcome!

2. Set timeframes to get the task achieved and adhere to it.

3. Have or get the right mindset to get the job done. (If you don’t find out who does and model them) or get yourself some coaching.

4. Focus on what needs to be done and sometimes you may need to say NO to others if it interferes with your outcome.

5. Map out the best road to get there. See if you can delegate any part or all of the work.

6. Work in 90 minute timeframes, no email, face book or any distractions. When 90 minutes is up have a break, do some stretching, exercise or eat some food it’s up to you.

7. If you can do 4 x 90 minute shifts per day it’s like doing 12 hours of work try it and see how it works.

Give this a try let me know how you go. I’ll keep you updated from time to time on my progress.

Oh Markella my daughter has just made Chocolate Chip Cookies that will be my reward when I finish this 90 minute stint.

Can’t wait to chat to you again next week. 

In the meantime found this cool quote;
“It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action and discipline that enabled us to follow through.” ~Zig Ziglar.